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Kosze do przechowywania zabawek

Kosz do przechowywania zabawek wprowadzi porządek i styl w pokoju Twojego dziecka. Nie traci formy, nawet gdy jest pusty – zawdzięcza to swojej konstrukcji, w którą pomiędzy bawełniany materiał wszyte zostało włókno silikonowe.

Kosz na zabawki – Habanera

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Honey Bunny

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Best Memories

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Stardust

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Mystery of Flowers

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Nature Symphony

175,00 113,75
It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Pastel Gelato

175,00 105,00
It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Lightness

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Taste of Summer

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Rainbow Mountain

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Dream Garden

175,00 113,75
It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Treasure Islands

175,00 113,75
It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Fairies

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Ornithology

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Woodland

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Toy basket - Savannah

It brings order and style to your child's room. It does not lose its form even when empty. The basket is very capacious, it will hold many toys or other treasures. It will also be perfect for storing blankets, pillows or clothes. It has solid and very sturdy ears, which make it easy to carry, while the strings allow you to tie it up like a sack. Made of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing. The toy basket can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

Dlaczego warto kupić kosz do przechowywania zabawek?

The toy basket is not only a practical addition in the toddler's room, but also its decoration. It can be juxtaposed with other beautifully crafted textile elements found in the baby's room equipment, for example, a stylish crib protector albo kocem, poduszkami, czy śpiworkiem do spania dostępnymi w naszym sklepie dziecięcym. Dzięki spójnej stylistyce stworzysz harmonijną przestrzeń, w której Twoje dziecko będzie czuło się komfortowo i bezpiecznie. Kolorowe wzory i miękkie tkaniny pobudzą wyobraźnię malucha, czyniąc pokój miejscem pełnym radości i zabawy.

Kosz na zabawki może wykorzystywany w dowolny sposób – doskonale sprawdzi się również do przechowywania tekstyliów. Możesz w nim schować maty, kocyki czy poduszki, które zawsze będą pod ręką, gdy tylko zajdzie taka potrzeba. Dzięki temu zaoszczędzisz miejsce w szafkach, a wszystkie niezbędne akcesoria będą zebrane w jednym miejscu. Kosz jest produktem, który może być wykorzystywany przez dzieci w każdym wieku. Młodsze dzieci chętnie będą go wykorzystywać do zabaw, a starsze jako sposób na szybkie uporządkowanie pokoju. Uczy to maluchy samodzielności i odpowiedzialności za własną przestrzeń, co jest cenną lekcją na przyszłość.

Co wyróżnia kosz materiałowy na zabawki Makaszka?

Nasz kosz materiałowy na zabawki jest bardzo pojemny, pomieści wiele zabawek lub innych skarbów. Idealnie sprawdzi się również do przechowywania koców, poduszek czy ubranek. Ma solidne i bardzo wytrzymałe uszy, które ułatwiają jego przenoszenie, natomiast sznurki pozwalają związać go jak worek. Dzięki temu zawartość kosza nie wysypuje się, a przenoszenie go staje się bezpieczne i wygodne. Możesz go łatwo przemieścić między pokojami lub zabrać ze sobą w podróż, mając pewność, że wszystkie niezbędne rzeczy są zawsze pod ręką.

Wykonany z najwyższej jakości bawełny, która nie spiera się, nie mechaci i nie traci swoich właściwości nawet po wielokrotnym praniu. Materiał jest miękki, a jednocześnie trwały, co gwarantuje długotrwałe użytkowanie bez utraty estetyki. Wypełnienie z oddychającej i antyalergicznej włókniny silikonowej sprawia, że kosz zachowuje swój kształt, nawet gdy jest pusty. To ważne, ponieważ zawsze prezentuje się schludnie i stanowi elegancki element dekoracyjny w pokoju dziecka.

W zależności od wybranego modelu kosza na zabawki może on być dwustronny albo z zewnątrz i wewnątrz uszyty z tej samej tkaniny. Dwustronność daje możliwość szybkiej zmiany wyglądu kosza, dostosowując go do aktualnego wystroju lub nastroju. To tak, jakbyś miał dwa kosze w jednym! Możesz łatwo odświeżyć aranżację pokoju, odwracając kosz na drugą stronę i cieszyć się nowym wzorem bez dodatkowych kosztów.

Odporna, bawełniana tkanina z certyfikatem OEKO-TEX 100 klasa I pozwala na delikatne pranie kosza w pralce, w warunkach domowych. Wysokość kosza to 50 cm, co sprawia, że jest wystarczająco duży, aby pomieścić sporo przedmiotów, ale jednocześnie nie zajmuje zbyt wiele miejsca. Dzięki temu kosz jest praktyczny i funkcjonalny, idealnie wpisując się w potrzeby zarówno dzieci, jak i rodziców. Utrzymanie go w czystości jest banalnie proste (a to ma spore znaczenie w przypadku akcesoriów dla najmłodszych).

Produkt szyty ręcznie w Polsce, z najwyższą starannością i dbałością o szczegóły, zapewniając najwyższą jakość produktu i długoletnią przyjemność z użytkowania. Wspierając polskich producentów, masz pewność, że otrzymujesz produkt bezpieczny i spełniający najwyższe standardy jakości. Kosz na zabawki Makaszka to inwestycja w porządek i estetykę pokoju Twojego dziecka, która przyniesie korzyści na wiele lat.