
    Showing 1–50 of 66 results

    Poduszki dla dzieci

    Poduszka 40x60cm – Cozy Christmas


    Poduszka Cozy Christmas – Przytulny akcent świątecznej magii w aksamitnym wydaniu

    Dodaj swojej sypialni lub salonowi odrobinę świątecznego uroku z naszą wyjątkową poduszką z kolekcji Cozy Christmas! Wykonana z miękkiego i przyjemnego w dotyku Velvetu, wspaniale dopełni każde wnętrze, wprowadzając do niego ciepłą, świąteczną atmosferę. Co wyróżnia naszą poduszkę?
    • Świąteczny design: Autorski wzór z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, pełen uroczych motywów świątecznych, wprowadzi do Twojego wnętrza magiczny nastrój.
    • Aksamitna miękkość: Wykonana z Velvetu – materiału niezwykle miękkiego i przyjemnego w dotyku, który otuli Cię delikatnością.
    • Wygoda i komfort: Idealna do przytulania, relaksu i odpoczynku.
    • Wysoka jakość: Trwała i odporna na mechacenie, zachowuje swój kształt i miękkość nawet po wielokrotnym praniu.
    • Doskonałe uzupełnienie: Wspaniale komponuje się z innymi produktami z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, takimi jak koce, pościele czy narzuty.
    Stwórz swoją wymarzoną aranżację: Udekoruj swój dom na Święta z naszą poduszką Cozy Christmas! Połącz ją z innymi elementami kolekcji, tworząc przytulną i magiczną atmosferę w swoim wnętrzu. Idealny pomysł na prezent: Poduszka dekoracyjna to również doskonały pomysł na stylowy prezent dla bliskich na Mikołaja, pod choinkę lub inną miłą okazję. Podaruj im odrobinę luksusu, komfortu i świątecznej magii!

    Poduszka dekoracyjna 50×50 – Cozy Christmas


    Poduszka dekoracyjna Cozy Christmas – Przytulny akcent świątecznej magii

    Dodaj swojej sypialni lub salonowi odrobinę świątecznego uroku z naszą wyjątkową poduszką dekoracyjną z kolekcji Cozy Christmas! Miękka, puszysta i przytulna, wspaniale dopełni każde wnętrze, wprowadzając do niego ciepłą, świąteczną atmosferę. Co wyróżnia naszą poduszkę?
    • Świąteczny design: Autorski wzór z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, pełen uroczych motywów świątecznych, wprowadzi do Twojego wnętrza magiczny nastrój.
    • Niezrównana miękkość: Wykonana z mięciutkiej i puszystej misiowej dzianiny w delikatnym, śmietankowym kolorze, która otuli Cię niczym puszysta chmurka.
    • Wygoda i komfort: Idealna do przytulania, relaksu i odpoczynku.
    • Wysoka jakość: Trwała i odporna na mechacenie, zachowuje swój kształt i miękkość nawet po wielokrotnym praniu.
    • Doskonałe uzupełnienie: Wspaniale komponuje się z innymi produktami z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, takimi jak koce, pościele czy narzuty.
    Stwórz swoją wymarzoną aranżację: Udekoruj swój dom na Święta z naszą poduszką dekoracyjną Cozy Christmas! Połącz ją z innymi elementami kolekcji, tworząc przytulną i magiczną atmosferę w swoim wnętrzu.   Idealny pomysł na prezent: Poduszka dekoracyjna to również doskonały pomysł na stylowy prezent dla bliskich na Mikołaja, pod choinkę lub inną miłą okazję. Podaruj im odrobinę luksusu, komfortu i świątecznej magii!

    Poduszka dekoracyjna Choinka – Gray Sage


    Poduszka dekoracyjna Choinka – Miękki akcent świątecznej magii

    Wprowadź do swojego domu niepowtarzalny świąteczny klimat z naszą uroczą poduszką dekoracyjną w kształcie choinki! Wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, jest idealnym uzupełnieniem kolekcji Cozy Christmas, dodając wnętrzu przytulności i świątecznego uroku. Dlaczego pokochasz naszą poduszkę?
    • Uroczy kształt: Poduszka w kształcie choinki to oryginalny i uroczy element dekoracyjny, który wprowadzi do Twojego domu świąteczną atmosferę.
    • Unparalleled softness: Wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, jest niezwykle przyjemna w dotyku i idealna do przytulania.
    • Doskonałe uzupełnienie: Fantastycznie komponuje się z innymi produktami z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, takimi jak koce, pościele czy narzuty.
    • Wysoka jakość: Trwała i odporna na mechacenie, zachowuje swój kształt i miękkość nawet po wielokrotnym praniu.
    • Versatile application: Idealna dekoracja do salonu, sypialni, a także pokoju dziecięcego.
    Stwórz swoją wymarzoną aranżację: Udekoruj swój dom na Święta z naszą poduszką dekoracyjną Choinka! Połącz ją z innymi elementami kolekcji Cozy Christmas, tworząc przytulną i magiczną atmosferę w swoim wnętrzu. Idealny pomysł na prezent: Poduszka dekoracyjna to również doskonały pomysł na stylowy prezent dla bliskich na Mikołaja, pod choinkę lub inną miłą okazję. Podaruj im odrobinę luksusu, komfortu i świątecznej magii!

    Poduszka dekoracyjna Choinka – Ivory


    Poduszka dekoracyjna Choinka – Miękki akcent świątecznej magii

    Wprowadź do swojego domu niepowtarzalny świąteczny klimat z naszą uroczą poduszką dekoracyjną w kształcie choinki! Wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, jest idealnym uzupełnieniem kolekcji Cozy Christmas, dodając wnętrzu przytulności i świątecznego uroku. Dlaczego pokochasz naszą poduszkę?
    • Uroczy kształt: Poduszka w kształcie choinki to oryginalny i uroczy element dekoracyjny, który wprowadzi do Twojego domu świąteczną atmosferę.
    • Unparalleled softness: Wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, jest niezwykle przyjemna w dotyku i idealna do przytulania.
    • Doskonałe uzupełnienie: Fantastycznie komponuje się z innymi produktami z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, takimi jak koce, pościele czy narzuty.
    • Wysoka jakość: Trwała i odporna na mechacenie, zachowuje swój kształt i miękkość nawet po wielokrotnym praniu.
    • Versatile application: Idealna dekoracja do salonu, sypialni, a także pokoju dziecięcego.
    Stwórz swoją wymarzoną aranżację: Udekoruj swój dom na Święta z naszą poduszką dekoracyjną Choinka! Połącz ją z innymi elementami kolekcji Cozy Christmas, tworząc przytulną i magiczną atmosferę w swoim wnętrzu. Idealny pomysł na prezent: Poduszka dekoracyjna to również doskonały pomysł na stylowy prezent dla bliskich na Mikołaja, pod choinkę lub inną miłą okazję. Podaruj im odrobinę luksusu, komfortu i świątecznej magii!

    Poduszka dekoracyjna Gwiazdka – Gray Sage


    Poduszka dekoracyjna Gwiazdka – Miękki blask świątecznej magii

    Rozświetl swoje wnętrze blaskiem świątecznej gwiazdki! Nasza wyjątkowa poduszka dekoracyjna w kształcie gwiazdy, wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, to idealny dodatek do kolekcji Cozy Christmas. Wprowadzi do Twojego domu przytulną, świąteczną atmosferę i doda mu odrobinę magicznego uroku. Co wyróżnia naszą poduszkę?
    • Niebanalny kształt: Poduszka w kształcie gwiazdki to oryginalny i uroczy element dekoracyjny, który podkreśli świąteczny charakter Twojego wnętrza.
    • Unparalleled softness: Wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, jest niezwykle przyjemna w dotyku i idealna do przytulania.
    • Doskonałe uzupełnienie: Wspaniale komponuje się z innymi produktami z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, takimi jak koce, pościele czy narzuty.
    • Wysoka jakość: Trwała i odporna na mechacenie, zachowuje swój kształt i miękkość nawet po wielokrotnym praniu.
    • Versatile application: Idealna dekoracja do salonu, sypialni, a także pokoju dziecięcego.
    Stwórz swoją wymarzoną aranżację: Udekoruj swój dom na Święta z naszą poduszką dekoracyjną Gwiazdka! Połącz ją z innymi elementami kolekcji, tworząc przytulną i magiczną atmosferę w swoim wnętrzu. Idealny pomysł na prezent: Poduszka dekoracyjna to również doskonały pomysł na stylowy prezent dla bliskich na Mikołaja, pod choinkę lub inną miłą okazję. Podaruj im odrobinę luksusu, komfortu i świątecznej magii!

    Poduszka dekoracyjna Gwiazdka – Ivory


    Poduszka dekoracyjna Gwiazdka – Miękki blask świątecznej magii

    Rozświetl swoje wnętrze blaskiem świątecznej gwiazdki! Nasza wyjątkowa poduszka dekoracyjna w kształcie gwiazdy, wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, to idealny dodatek do kolekcji Cozy Christmas. Wprowadzi do Twojego domu przytulną, świąteczną atmosferę i doda mu odrobinę magicznego uroku. Co wyróżnia naszą poduszkę?
    • Niebanalny kształt: Poduszka w kształcie gwiazdki to oryginalny i uroczy element dekoracyjny, który podkreśli świąteczny charakter Twojego wnętrza.
    • Unparalleled softness: Wykonana z mięciutkiej dzianiny misiowej, jest niezwykle przyjemna w dotyku i idealna do przytulania.
    • Doskonałe uzupełnienie: Wspaniale komponuje się z innymi produktami z kolekcji Cozy Christmas, takimi jak koce, pościele czy narzuty.
    • Wysoka jakość: Trwała i odporna na mechacenie, zachowuje swój kształt i miękkość nawet po wielokrotnym praniu.
    • Versatile application: Idealna dekoracja do salonu, sypialni, a także pokoju dziecięcego.
    Stwórz swoją wymarzoną aranżację: Udekoruj swój dom na Święta z naszą poduszką dekoracyjną Gwiazdka! Połącz ją z innymi elementami kolekcji, tworząc przytulną i magiczną atmosferę w swoim wnętrzu. Idealny pomysł na prezent: Poduszka dekoracyjna to również doskonały pomysł na stylowy prezent dla bliskich na Mikołaja, pod choinkę lub inną miłą okazję. Podaruj im odrobinę luksusu, komfortu i świątecznej magii!

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Habanera

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 30x40cm – Habanera

    Soft Cotton cushion. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be a part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is an anti-allergenic, lightweight silicone fleece, making the pillow flat, comfortable and soft. The pillow can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 40x60cm – Habanera

    Soft Cotton pillow. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is anti-allergenic, lightweight "silicone down", making the pillow fluffy, comfortable and soft The large pillow can be combined with a variety of Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your baby's room, living room or bedroom. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Honey Bunny

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 30x40cm – Honey Bunny

    Soft Cotton cushion. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be a part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is an anti-allergenic, lightweight silicone fleece, making the pillow flat, comfortable and soft. The pillow can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 40x60cm – Honey Bunny

    Soft Cotton pillow. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is anti-allergenic, lightweight "silicone down", making the pillow fluffy, comfortable and soft The large pillow can be combined with a variety of Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your baby's room, living room or bedroom. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Best Memories

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 30x40cm – Best Memories

    Soft Cotton cushion. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be a part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is an anti-allergenic, lightweight silicone fleece, making the pillow flat, comfortable and soft. The pillow can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 40x60cm – Best Memories

    Soft Cotton pillow. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is anti-allergenic, lightweight "silicone down", making the pillow fluffy, comfortable and soft The large pillow can be combined with a variety of Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your baby's room, living room or bedroom. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 40x60cm – Stardust

    Soft Cotton pillow. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is anti-allergenic, lightweight "silicone down", making the pillow fluffy, comfortable and soft The large pillow can be combined with a variety of Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your baby's room, living room or bedroom. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Stardust

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 30x40cm – Stardust

    Soft Cotton cushion. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be a part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is an anti-allergenic, lightweight silicone fleece, making the pillow flat, comfortable and soft. The pillow can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Mystery of Flowers

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 30x40cm – Mystery of Flowers

    Soft Cotton cushion. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be a part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is an anti-allergenic, lightweight silicone fleece, making the pillow flat, comfortable and soft. The pillow can be combined with various Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 40x60cm – Mystery of Flowers

    Soft Cotton pillow. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is anti-allergenic, lightweight "silicone down", making the pillow fluffy, comfortable and soft The large pillow can be combined with a variety of Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your baby's room, living room or bedroom. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA Cotton Pillow - Mystery of Flowers

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft cotton knit. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 40x60cm – Nature Symphony

    89,00 57,85
    Soft quilted Velvet pillow. Exclusive quilted Velvet pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Velvet collection, or be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. Velvet fabric, which is velvety and nice to the touch, is an ideal fabric, it is unearthly soft, yet extremely durable. The innovative technology of double weave of extremely thin polyester threads gives this fantastic effect. Pillows and blankets from the Velvet Collection have been quilted, which adds even more elegance. The large pillow can be combined with various products from Makaszka's Velvet Collection to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Nature Symphony

    45,00 29,25
    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA pillow - Nature Symphony

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Pastel Gelato

    45,00 27,00
    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA Pillow - Pastel Gelato

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 30x40cm – Pastel Gelato

    59,00 35,40
    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    USZATA pillow - Lightness

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 30x40cm – Lightness

    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    Poduszka 40x60cm – Lightness

    Soft quilted Velvet pillow. Exclusive quilted Velvet pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Velvet collection, or be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. Velvet fabric, which is velvety and nice to the touch, is an ideal fabric, it is unearthly soft, yet extremely durable. The innovative technology of double weave of extremely thin polyester threads gives this fantastic effect. Pillows and blankets from the Velvet Collection have been quilted, which adds even more elegance. The large pillow can be combined with various products from Makaszka's Velvet Collection to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Lightness

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 30x40cm – Taste of Summer

    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    Poduszka 40x60cm – Taste of Summer

    Soft quilted Velvet pillow. Exclusive quilted Velvet pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Velvet collection, or be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. Velvet fabric, which is velvety and nice to the touch, is an ideal fabric, it is unearthly soft, yet extremely durable. The innovative technology of double weave of extremely thin polyester threads gives this fantastic effect. Pillows and blankets from the Velvet Collection have been quilted, which adds even more elegance. The large pillow can be combined with various products from Makaszka's Velvet Collection to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Taste of Summer

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA pillow - Taste of Summer

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Countryside Tales

    45,00 29,25
    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA pillow - Countryside Tales

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 30x40cm – Rainbow Mountain

    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Rainbow Mountain

    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka bawełniana 30x40cm – Rainbow Mountain

    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    Poduszka bawełniana 40x60cm – Rainbow Mountain

    Soft Cotton pillow. Cotton pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Cotton collection, or can be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. The pillow is made of 100% cotton on both sides. One side is the highest quality cotton canvas in the author's pattern. The other side, is a soft and delicate cotton knitted fabric friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Inside is anti-allergenic, lightweight "silicone down", making the pillow fluffy, comfortable and soft The large pillow can be combined with a variety of Makaszka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of your baby's room, living room or bedroom. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little kids, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA pillow - Rainbow Mountain

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 30x40cm – Dream Garden

    59,00 38,35
    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    Poduszka bambusowa 25x30cm – Dream Garden

    45,00 29,25
    The small cushion can form a set with the Makashka bamboo wrap, or be part of the decor of a baby's room. It is perfect for the stroller and crib, for the nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is flat, comfortable and soft. The cushion is sewn from 100% bamboo fabric. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece, springy and soft. Bamboo is antibacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-fungal. It absorbs water 60% better than cotton, absorbs odors and is fully biodegradable. The bamboo from which our fabric is woven is free of pesticides and pollutants. The bamboo fabric in 30% sterilizes itself. It has thermoregulatory properties, so it maintains a temperature two degrees cooler than the ambient during hot weather. Bamboo, is the nicest, softest, and most natural fabric you can give your baby, prevents overheating and sweating. The 100% bamboo cushion can be combined with various Makashka products to create a unique, fabulously colorful world for your little one. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA pillow - Dream Garden

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 30x40cm – Treasure Islands

    59,00 38,35

    Note: The bottom of the pillow sewn from Velvet fabric without quilting.

    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    Poduszka 40x60cm – Treasure Islands

    89,00 57,85

    Note: The bottom of the pillow sewn from Velvet fabric without quilting.

    Soft quilted Velvet pillow. Exclusive quilted Velvet pillow can form a set with a blanket from the Velvet collection, or be part of the decor of a child's room. It is perfect for the crib, big bed, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. The pillow is comfortable and soft, sized to fit a child's crib. Velvet fabric, which is velvety and nice to the touch, is an ideal fabric, it is unearthly soft, yet extremely durable. The innovative technology of double weave of extremely thin polyester threads gives this fantastic effect. Pillows and blankets from the Velvet Collection have been quilted, which adds even more elegance. The large pillow can be combined with various products from Makaszka's Velvet Collection to create a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement for the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for our friends' little ones, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    USZATA pillow - Treasure Islands

    65,00 32,50
    Super flat and cuddly Usha Pillow The Uszata Pillow can form a set with the Makashka blanket, or can be part of the decor of a baby's room. Perfect for stroller, cradle and crib, nursery, and most of all for cuddling. Uszata cushion is made on both sides of the highest quality cotton, which does not wash, "does not mold" and does not lose its properties even after repeated washing, the ears are made of fabulously soft Velvet. Inside filled with anti-allergenic silicone fleece. The Uszata cushion can be combined with various Makaszka products, creating a unique, fabulously colorful arrangement of the stroller or your little one's room. It is also perfect as a stylish gift for the little ones of our friends, for a baby shower and any other nice occasion.

    Poduszka 30x40cm – Fairies

    Pikowana poduszka płaska dla dziecka Velvet 30x40 Ekskluzywna, pikowana poduszka Velvet może tworzyć komplet z kocykiem lub stanowić element wystroju pokoiku dziecięcego. Doskonale sprawdzi się zarówno w wózku, jak i łóżeczku, do przedszkola, a przede wszystkim - do przytulania. Poduszka jest płaska, wygodna i mięciutka. Dedykowana Maluszkom w wieku od 6 do 36 miesięcy. Dlaczego warto wybrać płaską poduszkę z velvetu dla dziecka: Aksamitna i miła w dotyku tkanina Velvet to idealny materiał, jest nieziemsko delikatny, a zarazem niezwykle wytrzymały. Innowacyjna technologia podwójnego splotu niezwykle cieniutkich poliestrowych niteczek daje ten fantastyczny efekt. Poduszki i kocyki z Kolekcji Velvet zostały przepikowanie, co dodaje im jeszcze więcej elegancji.

    Baby and toddler pillows are an extremely important part of the furnishings in a child's room. Zapewniają nie tylko wygodę podczas snu, lecz także  pełnią funkcję dekoracyjną. Children's store Makaszka przygotował kolekcję wygodnych poduszek wykonanych z naturalnych materiałów. Są to akcesoria zarówno o klasycznych, jak i bardziej wymyślnych kształtach. Będą idealnym elementem  wystroju pokoju dziecka.

    What to keep in mind when buying a baby pillow?

    Infant pillows should be made of the highest quality materials without the admixture of synthetic fibers. Why is this so important? The delicate skin of infants is particularly sensitive and prone to irritation. Synthetic materials can cause discomfort and skin allergies in babies, leading to irritation, itching and rashes. Therefore, choosing pillows made only of natural fibers, such as cotton, ensures the baby's safety and comfort during sleep and daily use.

    Natural materials are more breathable than synthetics, preventing overheating and moisture buildup, creating a healthier sleep environment for the toddler. As a result, the risk of flare-ups or skin infections is greatly reduced. Baby sleeping pillows made of natural materials are more durable and easier to clean. Cotton, as an easy-to-wash material, allows regular removal of dust mites, dust and other contaminants, which is crucial for maintaining hygiene around the baby.

    Makashka pillow collection

    When creating our collection of pillows for the home, we took all of the above factors into account. We have taken care of both the comfort of infants and children and ease of use. W ten sposób powstały poduszki, które można używać przez wiele lat – trwałe, wygodne, eleganckie, idealnie pasujące do kolorowych dziecięcych pokoików. Nasze wyroby gwarantują bezpieczeństwo i komfort dla delikatnej skóry dziecka.

    The interior of our pillows is filled with lightweight silicone down with anti-allergic properties. Thanks to this you will also take care of your kid's health, Pillows are available in two sizes: 30 by 40 cm and 40 by 60 cm. More fancy models are also available, namely flat ear cushions. Their shape and sewn-on ears are sure to appeal to young children. And all this is finished with beautiful patterns, which are dominated by floral and animal motifs.

    Want to take care of your child? Start with his environment. Our sleeping pillows will help you eliminate allergens, and give your little one a peaceful sleep, which is very necessary for proper development.