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Wkładki do wózka bawełniane

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Habanera

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Honey Bunny

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Stardust

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Best Memories

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Mystery of Flowers

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Nature Symphony

199,00 129,35
The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Pastel Gelato

199,00 119,40
The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Taste of Summer

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Countryside Tales

199,00 129,35
The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Rainbow Mountain

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Fairies

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Ornithology

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Woodland

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do wózka uniwersalna z pianką Memory – Sawanna

The new Memory insert is specially designed to provide maximum comfort and protection while walking with your little one. Its ergonomic shape perfectly fits most stroller models, providing comfort and effective protection against hard stroller padding. Using innovative technology, the insert is equipped with intelligent Memory Foam shape memory sponge. This state-of-the-art polyurethane foam provides optimal support for the baby's body, regulates temperature and effectively prevents moisture accumulation. The insole is made of the highest quality cotton in a proprietary pattern. The other side is made of airy cotton knit fabric. In addition, a footrest is sewn in the lower part to protect the stroller from dirt from the toddler's shoes. The insert also has two long belt holes and a larger, reinforced crotch strap hole. There are straps at the top to attach it to the stroller, and a wide Velcro-fastened elastic band at the back to further secure the insert.

Wkładka do spacerówki Memory has sewn in a fantastic, "smart" shape memory sponge Memory Foam, the advantages of which can be listed endlessly. Memory Foam is a modern, technologically advanced material made of soft polyurethane foam. Its open, airy structure allows moisture to evaporate and regulate temperature, and does not exert pressure on the body's contact points, but adapts to them, optimally supporting the body, which is ideal for toddlers with muscle tension syndrome.

Wkładki do wózka spacerowego mogą być używane w różnych rodzajach wózków i fotelików children - their versatility allows for comfortable use in both strollers and deep, including with a semi-open carrycot. We offer a large selection of original and designer designs of inserts, which allows you to match them with other accessories, giving you the opportunity to compose a stylish and aesthetically pleasing set for the baby.

Zalety wkładek do gondoli

Wkładki do wózka gondoli z pamięcią kształtu Memory Foam mają wiele zalet. Są miękkie, sprężyste i trwałe, nie tracą kształtu nawet po wielokrotnym praniu. Zapewniają maluszkom komfort podczas jazdy wózkiem, pozwalają na spersonalizowanie jego wyglądu, jednocześnie chroniąc wózek przed różnymi rodzajami zabrudzeń. Oferujemy estetyczne i stylowe, ręcznie szyte w Polsce wkładki do spacerówki, which similarly to automotive inserts for car seats zapewniają dziecku wygodę podróżowania oraz przewiewność i cyrkulację powietrza. Dzięki odprowadzaniu ciepła, maluszek nie poci się nawet podczas upalnych dni. To także dodatkowa zaleta antypotowych wkładek do gondoli, która zostanie doceniona zwłaszcza podczas przemieszczania się z dzieckiem i wchodzenia do pomieszczeń o innej temperaturze, niż panująca na zewnątrz. Wkładka do spacerówki na lato wykonana z Memory Foam może być wykorzystywana także jako warstwa amortyzująca wstrząsy wózka podczas jazdy po nierównych, wyboistych powierzchniach. Używanie wkładki do wózka pozwala również zachować clean interior and upholstery of the stroller seat - Children who can already walk on their own will not stain them even with muddy shoes. The material is also resistant to other types of stains, including food stains. The shape and size of the insoles ensure that they are comfortable for children aged 6 to 36 months.

Jak  dbać o wkładki do wózka spacerowego?

Wkładki do wózków spacerowych wykonane z gąbką z pamięcią kształtu Memory Foam są Anti-allergenic, durable and comfortable to clean. Łatwa konserwacja w warunkach domowych pozwala na utrzymanie ich w świeżości i higienie, zapewniając tym samym odpowiednią czystość wózka. Wkładka od wewnętrznej strony jest wszyta w konstrukcję, co ułatwia jej pranie i suszenie bez obaw o przemieszczenie się lub odkształcenie wypełnienia. Drobne zabrudzenia wystarczy zaprać ściereczką nasączoną delikatnym detergentem. Wszystkie oferowane wkładki do gondoli wykonywane są ręcznie w Polsce, z zachowaniem najwyższej jakości materiałów i dbałości o szczegóły wykończenia. Dzięki temu wkładki można prać w pralkach (maksymalna temperatura prania 30⁰C). Suszenie powinno odbywać się w pozycji poziomej, bez użycia suszarek bębnowych.