
How to carry a newborn baby?

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Caring for an infant requires a great deal of caution and knowledge. For young parents, many things may be unfamiliar, and in this case every issue counts, such as. Regarding how to carry a newborn. Wearing a newborn is not only a practical way of closeness and comfort for the baby, but also an important part of building a bond between parent and toddler. However, it is worth knowing how to do it safely and effectively. Below, we'll discuss key aspects of carrying a newborn, including the effects of upright carrying, the sloth position, and the basics of sling carrying.

Effects of carrying a newborn vertically

Wearing a newborn upright is popular, but it is not always recommended in the first months of a baby's life. Newborns have a delicate spine and weak neck muscles, which means that the upright position can be bad for them.

Potential effects of carrying a newborn vertically:

  • Excessive strain on the spine. The spine of a newborn baby is in the stage of intensive development. Excessive strain can lead to problems with its proper growth and formation.
  • Breathing problems. In the upright position, the baby's head may bend too far forward, making it difficult to breathe freely.
  • Excessive tension in the neck and back muscles. Newborns do not yet have well-developed neck and back muscles, which can lead to excessive tension and discomfort.

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How to carry an infant - the sloth position

The sloth position, also known as the "cradle," is one of the safer and more natural positions for carrying a newborn. In this position, the baby lies on its side in the bend of the parent's arm, with its head supported by the parent's forearm.

This method of carrying provides a natural curve of the baby's spine, which is close to the fetal position. The newborn's head is stably supported, which minimizes the risk of accidental falling forward or to the side. The baby feels the warmth and the parent's heartbeat, which gives the baby a sense of security and peace.


The lazy baby position is not the only good way. Recently, slinging has become very popular. It is a comfortable way to carry the baby, which allows the parent to move freely and at the same time provides closeness to the toddler.. The large sling allows for a variety of bindings, which is key to matching the carrying to the age and needs of the baby. A longer sling also allows for better weight distribution, which is more comfortable for the parent.

Slings made of natural materials, such as cotton, linen or bamboo, are more breathable and friendly to the baby's delicate skin. Natural fabrics breathe better, reducing the risk of baby overheating. They are also more flexible and durable, providing a better fit and support.

Advantages of slinging

  • Support for the spine. When tied correctly, the sling provides proper support for the baby's spine and hips, which is crucial for its proper development.
  • Free hands for the parent. Slinging allows parents to carry out daily activities while having their baby close by.
  • Proximity and emotional bonding. Physical proximity during slinging promotes a strong emotional bond between parent and child.

How to carry an infant or 3-month-old baby - summary

Carrying a newborn baby is not only practical, but also strengthens the bond between baby and parent. The key, however, is to do it safely. Avoid carrying your baby upright, especially in the first few months of life, and choose positions such as the lazy man. If you choose to sling, choose large slings made of natural materials to ensure comfort and safety for both you and your baby.