Frequently asked questions

What if the payment failed?

After 5 minutes of failed payment to the e-mail address specified in the order You will receive another payment link. If you again encounter difficulties paying for your order, please contact us by phone, email or via Facebook/Instagram. Do not pay a failed order by bank transfer!

What if a product disappeared from my cart or became unavailable while I was placing an order?

The ordered product has most likely been sold out. Adding a product to your cart does not constitute reserving it.

How do I check the status of my order?

Updates related to the status of the order are automatically sent via email to the email specified in the order.

 You can also check the status of your order in your account. If the order was done as a Guest, and you did not receive an email confirmation - then you can contact us by email or phone.

How long will I have to wait for delivery?

We strive to ship as quickly as possible - usually shipment takes place within 1-3 business days, but sometimes this period may be extended to 10 business days. The extended waiting period applies to products available on order or during promotions/holiday periods.

Can I change my shipping address after I place an order?

Yes, it is possible if the status order in the system indicates that it is either awaiting payment or is in the process of processing. To do so, please contact us by phone, email or via Facebook/Instagram.

If the order has been marked as "Completed" it is not possible to make changes to the delivery address.

Can I swap the color/design of a product in my order?

Yes, it is possible if the status order in the system indicates that it is either awaiting payment or is in the process of processing. Promotional periods are an exception - due to the high volume of orders we cannot guarantee this possibility. To do so, please contact us by phone, email or via Facebook/Instagram.

If the order has been marked as "Completed" it is not possible to make changes to the order.

Can I add products to my order?

Yes, it is possible if the status order in the system indicates that it is either awaiting payment or is in the process of processing. Promotional periods are an exception - due to the high volume of orders we cannot guarantee this possibility. To do so, please contact us by phone, email or via Facebook/Instagram.

If the order has been marked as "Completed" it is not possible to make changes to the order.

Do you offer free delivery?

Yes, for purchases over 399zl shipping to InPost parcel and/or GLS courier within Poland is free.

Can I pick up my order in person?

Yes, it is possible to pick up in person at our warehouse in Bydgoszcz upon prepayment. We will inform you of your finished order by sending an email to the address you provided in your order.

Note: We do not conduct stationary sales! No possibility to buy on the spot.

Can I exchange the product I purchased?

It is not possible to exchange the product for another color/size/itp.

If a product does not meet your expectations, you can return it without giving a reason within 30 days from the date of delivery of your order. For more information, see RETURNS tab.

Can I combine my orders so that I don't pay double for shipping?

Yes, it is possible if the status both orders in the system indicate that they are either awaiting payment or are in the process of being processed. Promotional periods are an exception - due to the high volume of orders we cannot guarantee this possibility.
To do so, please contact us by phone, email or via Facebook/Instagram.

If one or both orders have been marked as "Completed" it is not possible to combine orders.

Can I receive a VAT invoice?

Yes. An invoice will be issued to the data you provided when placing the order in the "Payment details" section. The invoice will be attached in paper form to the order.

If the TIN and company name are not specified in the form, we will attach a fiscal receipt to the order. It is not possible to issue a VAT invoice if a receipt was previously issued for the order.

Can I get a named invoice?

Yes. To obtain a named invoice for your order, when placing your order necessary is to include the relevant information in the "Notes to the order" section. The invoice will be issued to the data provided when placing the order in the "Payment details" section. The invoice will be attached in paper form to the order.

In the absence of information on the name invoice, a fiscal receipt will be issued for the order.

Do you have your stationary stores?

We do not have stationary stores, but we cooperate with distributors in Poland and Europe.

It is not possible to make purchases at our warehouse in Bydgoszcz.